Terms and conditions
1.1 The content on the website, such as text, graphics, images, photographs, illustrations, videos, sounds, and other materials (herein refer to as “content”) is protected by intellectual property rights of the company. Any products and services that indicate a third-party trademark remain the intellectual property of the third party mentioned.
1.2 The content is protected by the governing Greek, European Union, and international law, and the company reserves all intellectual property rights with regard to the content and the copies created based on this content. Any other use of the content, unless otherwise defined by the terms of use, without prior written consent of the company, is forbidden, and carries the predicted penalties by the law. Regarding the reproduction rights of any part of the content of the website, as well as the authorization requests of the content, please contact the company via email at info@gardenofios.com
1.3 Rights: according to the above, users reserve the right to print or/and save on a private computer or mobile device the website content, for one’s sole use, without corrupting or modifying this content.
1.4 Prohibitions: It is strictly forbidden to use the content for any commercial purpose without prior written consent by the company. In case you use the content, in violation to the terms of use, your access to the website or/and the services offered by it may be interrupted immediately, and you will be asked to return instantly or/and destroy, according to the reasonable judgment of the company, the equivalent content at your possession. In case of violation of any relevant legal provision, the company will fully cooperate with the competent prosecuting and judicial authorities to reveal the identity of the actual user of the website. Therefore, if you are aware of any case of violation, please email the company at info@gardenofios.com
Photographers Joachim Jung, Anina Diener
Text : Corinne Korda
The use of the website and its offered services is allowed for legal purposes only. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden to use the website for the following purposes:
– For any purpose and at any cost, which can violate national, union or international law.
– For any purpose and in any way, which can mislead any third party.
– For any purpose and in any way, which can harm children rights.
– For the sending, voluntary receipt, upload, download, use and processing of any part of the content, in a way, that does not fully comply with the terms of use.
– For sending advertising or promotional material to third parties, for which order or approval has not been granted by the company.
– For the transmission of data, the sending or uploading of material, which can include viruses of any form, malware or computer code in order to harm the software or the parts of any computer or portable device.